Kasteel Nijenburg in Alkmaar
Nijenburg Castle

Nijenburg Castle - Heiloo

N 52.6097558 / E 4.7226923

Around 1600, the mayor of Alkmaar, Gerrit van Egmond of the Nijenburg, had the De Nijenburg estate built in Heiloo. Years later his grandson builds the house that we know. He also laid out the gardens, where many exceptional sculptures were to be seen. Hercules and Hydra have been preserved, as well as a severed head of the god Pan.

In 1748, the estate passes to the Van Foreest family. Around 1750, the house was rebuilt. The impressive coach house dates from 1761. Around 1820, the so-called English work is laid out, a forest designed in landscape style with a flower garden, chicken run and garden arbours. There is also a nature theatre and a battery, the only Dutch example of a so-called battle-garden. Here, one can imitate a complete battle with real trenches. After the death of Elisabeth Snethlage-van Foreest in 2007, the house came into the hands of the Hendrick de Keijser Association. Natuurmonumenten bought land here as early as 1928 to prevent the threat of land consolidation.

Kasteel Nijenburg in Alkmaar

Nijenburg Castle
Kennemerstraatweg 278
1851 BG Heiloo

Contact details
T: 035-6559911
E: info@natuurmonumenten.nl

The house cannot be visited.

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