Natuurgebied Zoersche Landen
Nature reserve Zoersche Landen

Nature reserve Zoersche Landen - Exloo

N 52.873281862442 / E 6.8943693903567

The Zoersche Landen are a special nature reserve in the Hunzedal, located between Exloo and Valthe in Drenthe. Because of its wet, peaty subsoil, the area was unsuitable for agriculture, making it ideally suited for nature development. In 1996, one of the first large-scale nature development projects was realised here, setting aside 80 hectares for nature. Parts of the area were planted with swamp forest, which has since been allowed to develop freely into a swamp wilderness. Today, beavers live here!

Due to its lush vegetation and abundance of water, the area itself is difficult to pass through. Nevertheless, several footpaths have been built around the Zoersche Landen and you can cycle around it. So if you want the best possible experience, it is best to put down your bike and continue on foot. Just make sure you have sturdy shoes on!

There is still plenty of new nature being developed. Or perhaps more accurately, old nature. For a lot of work is being done to restore the old course of the river Hunze, which has disappeared in many places due to canalisation.

Natuurgebied Zoersche Landen

Nature reserve Zoersche Landen
7875 TA Exloo

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Open 24 hours
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