Museum Schokland | Entree
Museum Schokland | De Enserkerk
Museum Schokland | Interieur Enserkerk
Museum Schokland

Museum Schokland - Schokland

N 52.634488798322 / E 5.7776344962951

Four old mounds can still be found on Schokland, including the mound Middelbuurt, which formed the village of Ens together with the mound Zuidert. Mounds were built from the sixth century BC by inhabitants of the northeastern Netherlands. They raised the ground to be better protected against high water.

The museum grounds feature the 19th-century Enserkerk, which was built in 1834 and spared in the 1859 eviction. When the Northeast Polder was drained in 1942, the church was used as a horse stable. From 1947, the church was used as a museum, and in 1990 it was fully restored and the museum moved to new wooden buildings on the site. Those buildings house various exhibits, including a permanent exhibition on the history of Schokland.

Museum Schokland also organises various music and theatre activities. The Enserkerk is also used as a wedding location.

Museum Schokland | Entree
Museum Schokland | De Enserkerk
Museum Schokland | Interieur Enserkerk

Museum Schokland
Middelbuurt 3
8319 AB Schokland

Contact details
T: +31 527-760630

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 11:00 - 17:00

In July and August, it is also open on Mondays from 11 am to 5 pm.

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