Museum Flehite - ©UtrechtRegio
Museum Flehite
Museum Flehite

Museum Flehite - Amersfoort

N 52.1577811 / E 5.3866934

Museum Flehite is located in the historical inner city of Amersfoort in three late-medieval walled houses. The building itself is a work of art in itself and dates from 1540. The houses have been preserved in their original state as much as possible. Especially the building at Breestraat 76 is still the most in its original state, as can be seen from the murals from the early days.

Flehite is the house for art and history of Amersfoort. Components of the permanent exhibition are the large scale model of the city view of Amersfoort in the 17th century made by artist Mathias Withoos, work by Amersfoort painters Jacob van Campen and Hendrik Jan Wolter, a display of motorbikes from the Amersfoort firm Eysink and stories from eyewitnesses of the Second World War in Amersfoort.

Besides the permanent exhibition, there are changing exhibitions with various themes. The museum also organises guided tours, special holiday activities, lectures and workshops.

With a visit to Museum Flehite you get to know Amersfoort in a special way.

Photo 1: ©UtrechtRegio

Museum Flehite - ©UtrechtRegio

Museum Flehite
Westsingel 50
3811 BC Amersfoort

Contact details
T: +3133-2471100

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
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