Mill Het Pink is most likely an octagonal smock mill with scaffolding, built in 1751 on an older substructure and set up as an oil mill. The mill, which was originally located in a meadow area, has been gradually built in since the late 1930s. The first mention of this mill dates back to 1620. It is assumed that it was a smock mill, also called a tube mill in North Holland. In this case a smock mill on a fairly high square base.
After a few years of disuse, in 1935 it was offered as a gift to the Zaanse Tourist Information Association of the Netherlands (VVV), which made unsuccessful attempts to save it by moving it elsewhere. In 1939, they handed over the plundered and heavily damaged mill to the Zaansche Molen Association, which succeeded in restoring it completely in that year.
Mill Het Pink
Pinkstraat 12
1541 HD
Koog aan de Zaan
Contact details
T: +3175-6160429
Open from April to September every second Saturday of the month from 10:00-17:00.