The mermaid sits loosely on a high pillar and looks around happily with big eyes. Her golden locks, pink bikini and blue fin shine in the sun. Made of pottery and granite, she is meant to welcome tourists to the seaside resort.
Sculptor and ceramist Berry Holslag (The Hague 1947) is a versatile Dutch sculptor, ceramist and illustrator from The Hague. She makes murals and illustrations but is best known for her monumental ceramic sculptures. Most are sculptures of everyday people, often larger than life-size and on a high plinth. Especially in the province of South Holland, you come across them in the landscape. To bake the sculptures, they go into the oven in smaller parts, after which the artist reassembles them. Very characteristic of the sculptures are the vertical and horizontal seams between parts of the sculptures.
Mermaid, Picképlein in Noordwijk aan Zee
Pickeplein 8
2202 CL
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