Mental Map, Exloo
Mental Map

Mental Map - Exloo

N 52.868323413606 / E 6.8716270322959

Just along the cycle path, in the Hunzebos just south of Exloo, you come across the 1999 sculpture 'Mental Map' made of boulder and granite. It stands on a small hill and looks like an upside-down dolmen: two smaller stones, with carved drawings, are supported by a large boulder at the bottom. The drawings are reminiscent of signs of ancient people, a map and - especially given the name - also on the human brain.
"The idea behind this sculpture is the relationship that exists between roads, maps and the inner and outer appearance of the human brain," explains Artist Petra Boshart herself in an explanation. (...) "Life itself is a journey through the spiritual labyrinth." And the three monumental boulders have also made their way through time and space.

Sculptor Petra Boshart (Amsterdam, 25 May 1960) was born into a stonemason's family. Her studio is in Abcoude. She draws inspiration from prehistory, so-called primitive cultures and travels. During the working process, she wants to give space to intuition and chance, and "enjoys when the final result surprises her. The sculpture 'Mental Map', she created during a symposium in Altkünkendorf. Another well-known work is 'Land of milk and honey', which is in the sculpture gallery Het Depot in Wageningen.

Mental Map, Exloo

Mental Map
7875 TB Exloo

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