Maarten Tromp was a famous admiral of the 17th century, born on 23 April 1598 in Brielle. He was known for his courage and strategic insight during important naval battles such as the Battle of Duins in 1639 and the Battle of Dungeness in 1652. Tromp played a major role during the First English War, where he fought for the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. Unfortunately, he died during the Battle of Ter Heijde on 10 August 1653.
In the Reformed Church in Ter Heijde is a memorial stone in honour of Maarten Tromp. At sea, off Ter Heijde, he was hit in the chest by a musket ball and died. On the advice of Michiel de Ruyter, the admiral's flag was kept aloft to keep the morale of the sailors high and prevent the enemy from making further wisecracks.
Photo: By Quistnix on the Dutch-language Wikipedia, CC BY 2.5 en,
Memorial stone Maarten Tromp
Prins Willem III-Plein 1
2684 VP
Ter Heijde
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