Moestuin Oud-Amelisweer
Historic Vegetable Garden Oud-Amelisweerd

Historic Vegetable Garden Oud-Amelisweerd - Bunnik

N 52.0679265 / E 5.1686318

This 1-hectare vegetable garden was part of Oud-Amelisweerd country estate. Many estates had a kitchen garden to provide the owners with fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs and flowers. Exclusive varieties and exotics were often grown. At Oud-Amelisweerd, pineapples, peaches and grapes, among others, grew.

Behind the vegetable garden were an ice cellar, a menagerie with exotic animals and an aviary. Many cultural-historical elements of the kitchen garden have been preserved or restored, such as the seventeenth-century barn and the herb circle. Even today, you still come across exotic plants. Against the stone wall of the barn, for instance, the subtropical kiwi grows.

Moestuin Oud-Amelisweer

Historic Vegetable Garden Oud-Amelisweerd
Koningslaan 9a
3981 HD Bunnik

Contact details
T: +31 343 57 59 95

Cycling is not allowed on parts of Oud-Amelisweerd. To be visited on Castle Day. Part of the Cycle route full of stories:

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