Het Groot Duijfhuis
Het Groot Duijfhuis Farm

Het Groot Duijfhuis Farm - Liempde

N 51.5803666 / E 5.3736517

This historic farm is one of the most beautiful and important farms in Brabant. It is located in the Dommel valley near Kasteren, just above Liempde. The farm is recognisable by the authentic dovecote that was built in the meadow in 1661, but the farm itself is much older. There are sources from the fourteenth century that mention the farm.

From 1471 to 1659, the farmstead was leased to the Carthusians of Saint Sophia, who lived in the monastery of Vught. The monks were able to work on the farm, which provided them with income and products such as grain, rye, eggs, bacon and butter. This allowed them to support their community. The Carthusians also had a gentleman's residence built on the farm during this period.

The so-called ‘Flemish barn’ in the yard was built in 1525, making it the oldest Flemish barn in the Netherlands.

The farm complex has been owned by the Brabants Landschap Foundation since 2000. An information centre has been set up in the former stable.

Het Groot Duijfhuis

Het Groot Duijfhuis Farm
Hoevedreef 2
5298 NS Liempde

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