Sluis Hansweert
De sluizen bij Hansweert
Hansweert Locks

Hansweert Locks - Hansweert

N 51.454569355238 / E 4.010529975223

The Hansweert locks form an important link in the shipping route between the Western Scheldt and the canal through Zuid-Beveland. This lock complex consists of two identical locks with rolling doors that allow inland waterway and cargo ships to safely bridge the 7.30-metre difference in height.

Hansweert has played an important role in shipping for centuries. The current locks, suitable for ships up to 200 metres long, are part of one of the busiest inland waterways in the Netherlands. Along the dike you can clearly see how the ships are controlled and how the water level rises and falls.

This is an interesting place for lovers of technology and shipping to stop and watch the hustle and bustle on the water. Although the lock complex is primarily functional, it offers a nice glimpse into the world of inland shipping and the way the Netherlands manages its waterways.

Sluis Hansweert
De sluizen bij Hansweert

Hansweert Locks
4417 ER Hansweert

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