Reuzenbol | De eeuwige bollenvelden
Giant bulb | The eternal bulb fields

Giant bulb | The eternal bulb fields - Lisse

N 52.268403694218 / E 4.5597548056358

This giant tulip bulb was painted by artist Dorine, who has been active as a figurative painter since 2002. She takes painting lessons from her husband, also a well-known painter in the Bulb Region: Kees Putman.

The bulb fields attract hordes of tourists every year. Tourism is therefore very important for the Bulb Region. This large tulip bulb, part of art project GIANT TULIP BULBS, gives a year-round look at the bulb fields. From the past, the present to the future!

Reuzenbol | De eeuwige bollenvelden

Giant bulb | The eternal bulb fields
Veldhuyzen van Zantenpark 11
2163 GB Lisse

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