Reuzenbol | Nostalgisch strandhuisje
Giant bulb | Nostalgic beach house

Giant bulb | Nostalgic beach house - Noordwijk

N 52.301525265897 / E 4.4774929604671

This giant tulip bulb was painted by artist Joyce van Caspel. She was born in 1970 in Amstelveen and then grew up in Noordwijk. She brings scenes that touch and inspire her to life on canvas. She therefore always has a sketchbook handy so she can capture everything immediately.

To paint this tulip bulb, as part of the art project GIANT TULIP BULBS, she drew inspiration from a day at the beach from earlier years. From a beach house, you look out on a family enjoying a sunny day at the beach. With the bright colours, like the lady's yellow dress, Van Caspel wants to symbolise the colourful bulb fields. On the back of the sphere you can see a peephole, through which you look towards the dunes.

Reuzenbol | Nostalgisch strandhuisje

Giant bulb | Nostalgic beach house
Langevelderslag 36
2204 AH Noordwijk

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