Veerhaven Kruiningen
Veerhaven Kruiningen auto veer
Oude Veerhaven Kruiningen
Former ferry port Kruiningen

Former ferry port Kruiningen - Kruiningen

N 51.437199006715 / E 4.0313693531156

For centuries, water transport was the main form of transport. But the advent of motorised transport provided a faster way to travel. You can't travel by lorry or car on water. That is why various ferry services were introduced to cross the Eastern and Western Scheldt.

In 1943, a car ferry service between Kruiningen and Perkpolder was launched at this location. Large ferries would sail back and forth daily. The opening of the Westerschelde tunnel in 2003 made the car ferry service obsolete and it was discontinued. A new residential area called ‘Kruse Veer’ was built on the former harbour grounds.

Veerhaven Kruiningen
Veerhaven Kruiningen auto veer
Oude Veerhaven Kruiningen

Former ferry port Kruiningen
4416 RB Kruiningen

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Opening hours
Open 24 hours
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