Watersnoodmonument 'Het Zeemonster'
Flood memorial 'The Sea Monster'

Flood memorial 'The Sea Monster' - Sint-Maartensdijk

N 51.576459175146 / E 4.0449369144958

This monument was designed by Bolhuis, who made several designs for war and resistance monuments. Originally, this statue was intended for Stavenisse, but the municipality closed to much resistance. The Orthodox Reformed community saw the North Sea floods as a punishment from God. This view of the disaster did not match the statue Bolhuis had erected as a 'Sea Monster'. For this reason, the monument was eventually placed outside the village.

Some see the statue as a monster, where the tail of the fish could be the head. On the contrary, another sees it as a fish left behind after the 1953 storm surge.

Photo: Anton Slagboom, National Archives / Anefo photo collection

Watersnoodmonument 'Het Zeemonster'

Flood memorial 'The Sea Monster'
4675 RB Sint-Maartensdijk

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