Veerdienst Millingerwaard - Doornenburg
Ferry service Millingerwaard - Doornenburg

Ferry service Millingerwaard - Doornenburg - Millingen aan de Rijn

N 51.879875 / E 6.004847

Ferry service Millingerwaard - Doornenburg takes you across the Waal between cycle junctions 71 and 79. On both sides lies a nature reserve: the Millingerwaard on one side, the Klompenwaard on the Doorneburg side. In just 5 minutes, you and your bike can get from bank to bank dry.

Please note: from October to April, there is no ferry service. Other seasonal opening hours can be found on the website

Photo: Theo Jans

Veerdienst Millingerwaard - Doornenburg

Ferry service Millingerwaard - Doornenburg
6566 JD Millingen aan de Rijn

Contact details
T: +31481440244

In the low season, the ferry does not sail. Check the website for current sailing times.

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