Douaneloods Essen
Station Essen
Douaneloods Essen binnen
Essen customs warehouse

Essen customs warehouse - Essen

N 51.463708 / E 4.449138

Smuggling was not only done over small agricultural roads. All kinds of things were also smuggled across the border over train tracks. To combat smuggling, customs was also present at border stations. Essen's Customs shed (1902) was used to check goods. Inside the huge building were two platforms as well as on the long sides of the building.

Essen station is the last railway station before the border on the route between Antwerp and Rotterdam and the northernmost railway station in Belgium. The beautiful station building (located behind the Customs shed) from 1903 has, like Roosendaal station, a visitation hall and an office for customs. To check cattle brought across the border, the so-called quarantine stables (a little further down the road) were built. In these, animals were examined for livestock diseases. As of 1906, there were 46 stables on this site. Reason enough for smugglers to smuggle small herds of cattle across the border.

The old Customs shed has been a protected monument since 2003 and recently housed Robotland. This is a technology and fun park aimed at children. The building is free to enter to take a look inside.

Douaneloods Essen
Station Essen
Douaneloods Essen binnen

Essen customs warehouse
Hemelrijk 36
2910 Essen

Contact details

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
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