Deeler forest

Deeler forest - Deelen

N 52.0640541 / E 5.8944189

In this unknown nature reserve with vast heathlands and beautiful forests, you can enjoy cycling. Or walking, but then you can climb quite a bit, for example on the Hartenhulberg, which with its 90 meters, offers a spectacular view. Of course, you can spot game around sunrise and sunset, but the Deeler forest is also a paradise for birdwatchers. Even the ravens, which were once extinct in the Netherlands, live here and are back again. You can also see songbirds like the yellowhammer and the tapuit fly by. By removing trees and creating ponds, space has been created for the blue-winged grasshopper, the smooth snake and the sand lizard. Nature safaris are regularly held in the Deeler forest.


Deeler forest
6877 AE Deelen

Contact details
T: 035-6559911

Opening hours
Open 24 hours
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