Kasteel de Vanenburg
Kasteel de Vanenburg
Kasteel de Vanenburg
Castle de Vanenburg

Castle de Vanenburg - Putten

N 52.2717011 / E 5.566513

The Vanenburg or Vaenenborch was originally a farm and is in 1440 in loan by a certain Van Vanevelt. The farm name is more common than the name Van Vanevelt, so there seems to be no derivation of that family name. In 1645, De Vanenburg was publicly auctioned off. The highest bidder was Hendrick van Essen, landdrost (meaning such as sheriff) of the Veluwe. In 1664, he had a new house built east of the old Vanenburg, to the design of the architect Philips Vingboons. This house was later demolished, but the rectangular layout of the surrounding canals and canals is preserved.

Hendrik Rudolph Willem van Goltstein bought the property without the main house in 1820, but after the purchase of the nearby Olderaller he went to live there. Daughter Anna Frederika Everdine and her husband Frederik Willem Jacob van Aylva van Pallandt became owners by inheritance in 1868. They commissioned the design and construction of a new house, the villa-like house that still exists today, plastered white. Cousin Hugo 'Joep' baron van Pallandt is their heir and he squanders the entire inheritance, including De Vanenburg. It was auctioned off in 1931. The house has not been privately occupied since then.

Kasteel de Vanenburg
Kasteel de Vanenburg
Kasteel de Vanenburg

Castle de Vanenburg
Vanenburgerallee 11
3882 RH Putten

Contact details
T: 0341–375454
E: info@vanenburg.nl

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday 10:00 - 22:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday Closed

Opening hours are of the restaurant.

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