Canadapark | Sherman Tank
Canadapark | Fort Garry Horse

Canadapark - Doetinchem

N 51.956988330572 / E 6.2790201847488

In the Doetinchem neighbourhood of De Hoop, near community centre Fort Garry Horse, is Canadapark. The neighbourhood was built, after World War II, by the Canadians who were jointly responsible for the liberation of the Achterhoek. Because much of Doetinchem had been destroyed by bombing, there was a great shortage of housing.

In Doetinchem, they are still grateful to the Canadian liberators. In their honour, all streets in the neighbourhood bear Canadian names. The community centre itself is named after the Canadian Armoured Regiment Fort Garry Horse that played an important role in the liberation of Doetinchem. The Sherman Tank that stands as a monument in the Canadapark was left there by this regiment.

Photos: Alex Ossel, via Traces of War.

Canadapark | Sherman Tank
Canadapark | Fort Garry Horse

7007 BH Doetinchem

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