Strandje aan de Regge
Strandje aan de Regge zwemmen
Beach on the Regge

Beach on the Regge - Lemele

N 52.452249052441 / E 6.442485350147

Plop down on this small sandy beach on the Regge. Nowadays, the Regge and its banks are a place to relax and recreate. There are numerous footpaths, cycle paths and canoeing on the river itself. Various projects in recent years have restored the Regge to as natural a river as possible. The river is allowed to bend and step outside its banks again.

The Regge used to be an important trade route for the Hanseatic cities of Zwolle and Kampen. Over this river, they could transport merchandise to and from the Twente hinterland. Especially in winter, when some roads were impassable, the Regge was important.

The river's course has been changed several times by humans and now meanders from Diepenheim to the Overijsselse Vecht.

Strandje aan de Regge
Strandje aan de Regge zwemmen

Beach on the Regge
8184 PT Lemele

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Open 24 hours
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