Strand Eeltsjemar
Beach at Eeltsjemar

Beach at Eeltsjemar - Rinsumageast

N 53.2798638 / E 5.9268811

Take a break at the recreational lake! Enjoy the sandy beach, where you can sunbathe or have a picnic, and take a refreshing swim in the water. Children will have endless fun with the various play structures, where they can climb, scramble, and play to their heart's content. Whether you want to relax with a good book, stay active, or simply enjoy the natural surroundings, this spot has something for everyone. A perfect location for a fun day out with the whole family!

Strand Eeltsjemar

Beach at Eeltsjemar
Tuskenmarren 2
9105 AR Rinsumageast

Contact details

Open from sunrise to sunset.

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