Zeeslag monument
Battle of the seas monument (1653)

Battle of the seas monument (1653) - Ter Heijde

N 52.028904778104 / E 4.1683483049357

The Battle of Ter Heijde took place on 10 August 1653 and was one of the decisive naval battles during the First English War. Led by Admiral Maarten Tromp, the Dutch fleet fought against the English navy. Admiral Tromp was killed by a musket ball. In the end, the English won but still withdrew their ships. This allowed the merchant ships to set sail after all.

In memory of this important event and the courage of those involved, a monument in the shape of two cannons stands at the entrance to Ter Heijde.

Photo: By Michielverbeek - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8736539

Zeeslag monument

Battle of the seas monument (1653)
2684 XC Ter Heijde

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