The Battery below Brakel stands on a centuries-old dike in Bommelerwaard. It was built between 1879 and 1884 to protect the nearby village of Brakel from the waters of the Waal. The dike has often breached after all, recognisable by the so-called ‘wheels’ in the area. These round shapes in the landscape were caused by dike breaches, around which the dike was placed. The Nieuwendijk therefore has many bends and twists.
The Fort near Brakel closed off access to the Waal, the floodplains and the Waal dike. Together with the Battery under Poederoijen, built to the same model a few years earlier, it also formed the defence of Slot Loevestein and the fortress of Woudrichem.
The fort site is not open to the public.
Battery below Brakel
5307 TJ
Contact details
The fort site is not open to the public.