On the Ginkelse Hei near Ede is the Airborne Monument, a concrete memorial pillar, crowned with a copper eagle. The pedestal has the shape of a crystal, from which the monument rises like a prism. On the column are a winged and crowned parachute, the weapon of the King's Own Scottish Borderer and an image of the mythological winged horse Pegasus. Pegasus was the code name for the escape operation of stranded British paratroopers. At the foot of the memorial is a plaque with a text from Isaiah 40 verse 31: '... They will ascend with wings like eagles ..., ... They shall mount up with wings as eagles ... A little further lies a boulder with the text: Air Landing September 17-18, 1944.
Airborne Monument
Verlengde Arnhemseweg
6718 SM
Contact details
T: +31207183500