Huis Aerdt
Huis Aerdt en de plataan
Huis Aerdt vergaderlocatie
Aerdt House

Aerdt House - Herwen

N 51.8882077 / E 6.0999008

Huis Aerdt lies between the river arms Oude Waal and Oude Rijn. The house has a history dating back to around 1300 and stands on the foundations of Ter Cluse castle, which was destroyed twice before the current house was built in 1651. After a devastating fire in the 15th century and later destruction by Spanish troops around 1600, the van Steenhuys family built the current Huis Aerdt.

A special feature is the ‘Altar Room’ on the upper floor, furnished as a refuge church by Walraven van Steenhuys. In 1722, the van Hugenpoth family took over the house, with Godefridus Franciscus baron van Hugenpoth playing a key role in the regulation of the Rhine, crucial for the development of future Hanseatic cities. After several owners and severe damage in the Second World War, Huis Aerdt was transferred for the symbolic sum of one guilder to the Friends of the Castles of Gelderland Foundation, who carefully restored it. Huis Aerdt thus tells a rich history of reconstruction and preservation.

Today, Huis Aerdt is used as a wedding, mourning and meeting location and is not freely accessible. From the road, however, you do have a nice view of the beautiful castle and the imposing plane tree that is, possibly, as old as the house.

Photo: ©

Huis Aerdt
Huis Aerdt en de plataan
Huis Aerdt vergaderlocatie

Aerdt House
Molenhoek 2
6914 KM Herwen

Contact details
T: +31 316-215051

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