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Tour de Farm | Brabant dune estate near 's-Hertogenbosch

length 54.41 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 952
Fiets 3 hours 10 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 32 minutes

's-Hertogenbosch, Vlijmen, Udenhout

East of the Loonse and Drunense Dunes, go on Tour de Farm with this cycle route! Get to know the Brabant Dune Farmers. Together, these farmers have created the regional label 'Brabant Dune Farmers' and produce their regional products in harmony with nature.

Depart from the Nature Gate of the Loonse and Drunense Dunes, where you can park your car to start the route if you wish, and cycle towards Vlijmen, along the edge of 's-Hertogenbosch and Vught to Udenhout. Along the way, you will be able to feast your senses!

Feast your eyes as you cycle through beautiful countryside, listening to the sound of the wind and birdsong. Once you arrive at one of the Duinboeren on the way, you can taste the delicacies made with honest local products.

Delicious whole milk, daily fresh and tapped by you at the milk tap at farm Verhoeven. Or the frozen variety: homemade farm ice cream made from milk from our own cows at ice cream farm Uijlenborch. All pure nature!

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length 54.41 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 952
Fiets 3 hours 10 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 32 minutes

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length 54.41 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 952
Fiets 3 hours 10 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 32 minutes

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De Boer Op
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De Boer Op
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