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Fruitful cycle route in the Betuwe

length 43.38 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 756
Fiets 2 hours 31 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 0 minutes

Tiel, Maurik, Buren

In the southwest of Gelderland lies the Betuwe. The name Betuwe means the opposite of another Gelderland region: the Veluwe. Whereas Veluwe roughly translates as 'bad ground' because of its poor soil, Betuwe stands for 'good ground'. Because of its location between the rivers, the soil is extremely fertile. A lot of fruit is grown in the Betuwe and this is reflected when cycling through this beautiful rolling landscape.

Admire the extensive orchards that provide beautiful images every season. You will see fields of both new fruit trees and the old ones with their lush branches and leaves. Experience the romantic spring when you cycle through the white and pink fruit blossoms and the soft petals whirl around you. When the flowers turn into fruit later in the summer, you can come to many orchards to pick and taste the delicious fruit yourself. You can often stop and buy fresh fruit from a stall.

You cross the Amsterdam Rhine Canal and cycle along the meandering Nederrijn and a small part of the Linge. There are many traces of history to be found here, for example the Limes, the defence line of the Romans. The picturesque villages of Maurik and Buren and the winding roads leading to them give you the feeling you are on holiday. On the way, you pass the beautiful country estate of Soelen with its splendid castle. In short, a truly photogenic environment, so don't forget your camera!

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length 43.38 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 756
Fiets 2 hours 31 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 0 minutes

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length 43.38 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 756
Fiets 2 hours 31 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 0 minutes

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