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Ferry route on the Lower Rhine

length 51.05 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 936
Fiets 3 hours 7 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

Amerongen, Doorn, Maurik

The route goes via the foot of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug to the approximately 1000 year old town of Amerongen and its impressive castle. At various places, the view over the Lower Rhine River is truly magnificent. The ferries across the river are an experience in itself.

You will also cross a number of waters during the cycle route. You will cross the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal twice. You will also pass by the Linge and the characteristic Mauriksche Wetering. You will be amazed by the rippling waves, but also by the imposing castles in this area. In addition to the castle in Amerongen, you will see the castles of Soelen, Duurstede, Groenestein and Sandenburg. Buitenplaats Sparrenburg completes the nobility.

Don't forget to bring cash for the ferries. Have fun!

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length 51.05 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 936
Fiets 3 hours 7 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

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length 51.05 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 936
Fiets 3 hours 7 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

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