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Dyke route along the Zwin

length 33.35 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 618
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

Cadzand-Bad, Sluis, Retranchement

Cadzand-Bad is an internationally known seaside resort. History may still play a role in this: the village was in the past 'visited' by French, English, Flemish, Austrian and Spanish troops. Sluis is a city with an illustrious past. in the Middle Ages it was the most important Burgundian port and Philip de Goede married Isabella of Portugal there.. It is also a city that had to deal with a naval battle twice: the battle of Sluis in 1340 was the beginning of the Hundred Years War, at the battle of Sluis in 1587 the Duke of Parma conquered the city during the Eighty Years' War. At the same time, the Retranchement was built between the fortresses of Oranje and Nassau. After Fort Oranje was partly destroyed during a storm surge, a dam was built that eventually grew into the place Retranchement.

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length 33.35 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 618
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

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length 33.35 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 618
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

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