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Cycle Tour Castle Duivenvoorde

length 32.65 km
theme cultural, castles, culinary
Kcal 617
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

Voorschoten, Wassenaar, Leidschendam

Duivenvoorde Castle, Museum Voorlinden and Huygens' Hofwijck are the highlights of this cycle route. They are part of the national castles line.

During this cycle route, you will pass castles and country estates that are freely accessible in Wassenaar, Voorschoten and Voorburg. For centuries, this area has been popular among the nobility and rich merchants because of its location near the coast. Get off your bike several times to visit the castles and country estates, take walks on the estates and visit the cosy places along the way!

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length 32.65 km
theme cultural, castles, culinary
Kcal 617
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

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length 32.65 km
theme cultural, castles, culinary
Kcal 617
Fiets 2 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 38 minutes

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