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Cycle route through the Coepelduynen

length 34.13 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 649
Fiets 2 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 43 minutes

Noordwijkerhout, Noordwijk, Katwijk

Take a beautiful cycle route through the dunes between Noordwijk and Katwijk, also known as the Coepelduynen. In the past, this dune area was mainly used as arable land and pasture. And fishermen came here to dry their nets. Nowadays, the beautiful Coepelduynen consists of dune grasslands, unusual plants, woods and animals.

The cycle route takes you not only through the Coepelduynen, but also along Vlaggeduin, Klinkenbergerplas and various museums. Have you ever been to the Katwijk Museum? You will find this museum in the centre of the old fishing village, close to the well-known St Andrew's Church and one of the oldest lighthouses in the Netherlands.

Go exploring in the dunes, get a breath of fresh air along the beach, enjoy the beautiful nature and explore the inland.

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length 34.13 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 649
Fiets 2 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 43 minutes

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length 34.13 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 649
Fiets 2 hours 9 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 43 minutes

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