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Cycle route Lands in Lage Vuursche

length 45.35 km
theme castles, culinary, nature
Kcal 1430
Fiets 4 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 48 minutes

Hilversum, Lage Vuursche, Nieuw-Loosdrecht

From the greenest airport in the Netherlands you can land in Lage Vuursche. Watch the flying activities from a bench on the ground or book a sightseeing flight and discover Lage Vuursche and the Loosdrechtse Plassen from above.

This is a lovely route when the sun comes through, spring days begin or on a late summer day. During all seasons, there is plenty to see in this area due to the variety of nature. Along the way, you'll pass heathland, forest and water. If you have made the decision to board the plane, you can also see it well from the air.

Watch out when you settle down at one of the terraces in the middle of nature along the way. This is where you will want to stay in the sun all day. Try cycling around the route anyway because you won't want to miss the Kortenhoef and Loosdrecht lakes. You may know the Loosdrechtse Plassen mainly for its water sports activities, and you will certainly encounter those too. Yet there is also a lot of peace and quiet in this area. Because part of the lakes are protected areas, many different animals can be found here, enjoying the tranquillity.

During this cycle route, there is plenty of variety in tranquillity and experience. If you like nature, water and terraces, this cycle route is perfect for you!

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length 45.35 km
theme castles, culinary, nature
Kcal 1430
Fiets 4 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 48 minutes

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length 45.35 km
theme castles, culinary, nature
Kcal 1430
Fiets 4 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 48 minutes

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