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Cycle route full of Brabant beer

length 63.47 km
theme culinary
Kcal 1279
Fiets 4 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 24 minutes

Chaam, Alphen, Tilburg

Brewing beer is a centuries-old craft in North Brabant. As is enjoying the unique beer flavours. Fancy something different from the familiar beers of the big brands? Cycle this route along traditional breweries that each create their own special flavours. Together, they want to put their region back on the map as a real beer region. Fresh white beers for a sunny spring day, tripels for when the leaves turn red again, from fruit beers to beer made from oats, you will find a fitting beer for every moment of your bicycle tour.

Enjoy the passion and love for beer, the craftsmanship, and of course the warm hospitality of Brabant. But beware: some of them require a reservation.

Would you like to shorten your cycle route? Cut the route at junction 12 via junctions 70-72-73-71 (or the other way round from junctions 71-73-72-70-12). This makes the route 39 km from Chaam or 24,2 km from Tilburg.

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length 63.47 km
theme culinary
Kcal 1279
Fiets 4 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 24 minutes

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length 63.47 km
theme culinary
Kcal 1279
Fiets 4 hours 15 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 24 minutes

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Brought to you by:
RCN Vakantieparken
Brought to you by:
RCN Vakantieparken
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