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Cycle route from Vaassen to the heart of Apeldoorn

length 41.18 km
theme historical, culinary, nature
Kcal 731
Fiets 2 hours 26 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 56 minutes

Vaassen, Apeldoorn, Wenum-Wiesel

Apeldoorn is a real city, or a village after all? Apeldoorners themselves do not yet agree on that. After all, Apeldoorn never used to get city rights, but now it has all the aspects of a city.

What they do agree on, however, is that there is plenty of peace and quiet in and around Apeldoorn. The cycle route goes through the heart of the cosy city centre. The 'city' and its surroundings are known for its royalty. Het Loo Palace attracts many visitors every year, but also Cannenburch Castle puts you in noble spheres.

On this route, you combine the urban of Apeldoorn with the beautiful wooded surroundings. For instance, you cycle on the border of Kroomdomein Het Loo, one of the most famous forest areas in the Netherlands.

The cycle route also takes you near the Wenum Mill in Wenum-Wiesel. During the route, enjoy the alternation between beautiful nature and the 'city' of Apeldoorn.

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length 41.18 km
theme historical, culinary, nature
Kcal 731
Fiets 2 hours 26 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 56 minutes

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length 41.18 km
theme historical, culinary, nature
Kcal 731
Fiets 2 hours 26 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 56 minutes

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