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Cycle route from Doesburg to Doetinchem

length 49.36 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 888
Fiets 2 hours 57 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 22 minutes

Doesburg, Doetinchem, Hummelo

This cycle route takes you for a large part along the Oude IJssel and the IJssel river, but you will encounter much more scenic beauty. In the old Hanseatic city of Doesburg, you can visit the mustard factory. Mustard from Doesburg is in great demand worldwide and in the factory and museum you can learn all there is to know about this seasoning. Did you know that Doetinchem also has extensive shopping and entertainment facilities?

The village of Hummelo is situated on an old river dune and was mentioned in a document in the year 828. Hummelo is of course known as the birthplace of the Dutch rock band 'Normaal'. Hoog-Keppel is especially known for its annual folk festival (early September), including a small and large militia, flag wavers, bielder, clay pigeon shooters, old Dutch games and a hexathlon.

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length 49.36 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 888
Fiets 2 hours 57 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 22 minutes

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length 49.36 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 888
Fiets 2 hours 57 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 22 minutes

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