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Cycle route Around Veluwe and more

length 57.88 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1040
Fiets 3 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 46 minutes

Harderwijk, Nunspeet, Hulshorst

Cycle at the edge of the Flevopolders along the Veluwemeer. From your saddle, you can look out over the long lake, the villages on the other side, the many water birds and islands in the middle of the water. In the summer, many boats sail by, which gives the whole a cosy atmosphere. Cross the water between Biddinghuizen and Nunspeet by bicycle ferry and enjoy the Veluwemeer on the water too.

In Nunspeet, learn more about the village and the North Veluwe in the Noord-Veluws Museum. Would you prefer to enjoy even more water? Then get off at the Zandenplas. You cycle through Hulshorst and Hierden via meadows and polders on the Veluwe side, before arriving in Harderwijk. This historic Hanseatic city has many sights, such as the windmill and the Great Church. You should also visit the Stadsmuseum, which introduces you to the city interactively.

In the past, the road from Harderwijk to Flevoland was notorious. Traffic often had to wait for passing ships. That problem has now been solved: the traffic goes under an aqueduct. So it is possible that a ship is passing right above your head!

Please note: check the sailing times of the ferry on Is the ferry not running? Then you can make a detour via Elburg by following junctions 49-47-46-30-02-01-32 (or vice versa). This is 11.7 km extra.

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length 57.88 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1040
Fiets 3 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 46 minutes

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length 57.88 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 1040
Fiets 3 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 46 minutes

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