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Cycle route along the Lek

length 27.32 km
theme family, historical, rural
Kcal 520
Fiets 1 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 23 minutes

Culemborg, Wijk bij Duurstede, Houten

Over land, on water and back in time. With this cycle route, you will experience all kinds of things. For example, you will cross the river Lek twice, once by bridge and once by ferry.

You will also cycle through the medieval town of Culemborg, the ideal place to stroll around. The winding streets surprise you at every corner. When cycling with the whole family, a visit to the Elisabeth Orphanage museum is recommended. The house has been there for more than four centuries and the children who lived here went through a lot. You can now experience the life of an orphan in those days yourself in this museum.

On the other side of the Lek River, you will also pass an estate with a devilish tower and an almost hidden fortress. Will you be able to find it?

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length 27.32 km
theme family, historical, rural
Kcal 520
Fiets 1 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 23 minutes

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length 27.32 km
theme family, historical, rural
Kcal 520
Fiets 1 hours 43 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 23 minutes

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