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Cycle route along robust beech trees

length 47.64 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 869
Fiets 2 hours 53 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 19 minutes

Voorthuizen, Putten, Drie

Voorthuizen is not only the gateway to the Veluwe, but is also known for its poetry route. Real Voorthuizen people will be happy to tell you the story of the giant Bunckman. The village of Drie is surrounded on all sides by robust beech trees. These form, now mixed with many other types of trees, the Speulderbos and the Sprielderbos. These are the oldest forests in the Netherlands. Here you really are in the middle of nature and you can completely relax. All you hear is the wind rustling through the leaves. If you are lucky, you may spot a wild boar or a roe among the trees.

Near junction 97 you can look for the hiding place Speulderbos. During World War II, a number of English pilots and refugees lived here between February 1943 and July 1944. When it was discovered by the Germans in late July 1944, 13 men lived there, all of whom escaped safely via the escape route.

Between Putten and Drie lies the Solse gat, where legend has it that an entire monastery was sunk because of the monks' misconduct. Nowadays, you can walk around the Solse Gat and enjoy the nature that Putten has to offer on a bench.

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length 47.64 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 869
Fiets 2 hours 53 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 19 minutes

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length 47.64 km
theme villages, historical, culinary
Kcal 869
Fiets 2 hours 53 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 19 minutes

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