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Cycle route along Needse Berg and Borculo

length 65.42 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 1389
Fiets 4 hours 37 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 42 minutes

Neede, Borculo, Diepenheim

Just outside the village of Neede you will find the Needse Berg nature reserve. Although the Needse Berg is not very high, it is a wonderful place for walking. On top of the mountain is the Hollandsche Molen (Dutch Mill).

For another beautiful view of the nature reserve, go a little further. Take your bicycle or leave it and walk towards the Needse Berg nature reserve tower. Once at the top, you will not only get a wonderful view but also beautiful lines of poetry. Poet and pastor Willem Sluiter loved the Achterhoek countryside and also wrote about the Needse Berg. The words at the top of the tower are not written by Willem Sluiter, but by poet Sander Groontendorst, who created this text as a tribute to Sluiter.

When you continue your cycle route again and cross the river Berkel, you will meet the Achterhoek town of Borculo. Here too, it is advisable to park your bicycle for a while. Walk across the romantic bridges, stroll around the shopping streets or visit one of the many museums in the town.

Enjoy the combination of nature and liveliness in the Achterhoek and continue your bicycle route back to the also beautiful Twente.

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length 65.42 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 1389
Fiets 4 hours 37 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 42 minutes

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length 65.42 km
theme cultural, villages, culinary
Kcal 1389
Fiets 4 hours 37 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 42 minutes

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