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Cycle route through North Brabant villages

length 48.82 km
theme cultural, rural, culinary
Kcal 880
Fiets 2 hours 55 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 20 minutes

Sint-Oedenrode, Beek en Donk, Lieshout

Cycle through the beautiful green landscape of Brabant and exchange nature for authentic North Brabant villages. During this route you will pass Sint-Oedenrode, or Papgat (porridge village). It is so called because porridge was a conspicuous part of the menu at a time when the not-so-well-off inhabitants often had to make do with this meal.

A little further on you will meet Beek and Donk. These used to be two separate villages, but later continued together as twin villages. Because they were once two separate villages, a green strip now runs straight through them.

In Lieshout, traces have been found dating back to around 10,000 B.C. When the Wilhelmina Canal was dug in 1917, they accidentally came across these traces.

This cycle route leads you along beautiful and interesting places and of course you can stop along the way to do or see something. For example, you will pass three windmills with a rich history on this route. Cycling through Sint-Oedenrode, you will pass the Knoptoren, the Antonius van Padua Church and the Vresselse Bos. There is plenty to see and we have also thought about the Burgundians!

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length 48.82 km
theme cultural, rural, culinary
Kcal 880
Fiets 2 hours 55 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 20 minutes

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length 48.82 km
theme cultural, rural, culinary
Kcal 880
Fiets 2 hours 55 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 20 minutes

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